
Whakapapa - a guide to resources held in the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre

TAI RAWHITI - East Coast, Hawkes Bay Tribes

Fowler, P.L.
725.8 FOW

Te Mana o Turanga. 1974.
"The story of the carved house Te Mana o Turanga on the Whakato Marae at Manutuke, Gisborne". Stories recorded in carvings. Some whakapapa tables provided.

Hogan, H.M.
910.4 HOG

Hikurangi to Homburg: Henare Kohere and Terei Ngatai with the Māori Coronation Contingent 1902. 1997.
Ko Hikurangi te maunga, ko Waiapu te Awa, Ko Ngati Porou te Iwi. Bilingual. This account of two young mens' journeys was given the title Hikurangi to Homburg because they were both descendants of the ancestor Porourangi. Contains whakapapa tables and many photos.

Kohere, R.T.
993.015 KOH

The story of a Māori chief: Mokena Kohere and his forbears.
Ngati Porou. Includes a whakapapa table.

Lambert, T.
993.462 LAM

The story of old Wairoa.
Information on the Great Fleet; historical pictures of land, marae, and people, with selected whakapapa.

Lawson, L.
993.44 LAW

Wharekahika: a history of Hicks Bay.
Whakapapa for Ngai Tuere, Ngati Ruawaipu, Ngā oho, Ngati Porou; biographical section and photographs.

929.2 MAT

Te whānau a Karepa Tukareaho Mataira. 1997.
Bi-lingual. Commemorates the whānau reunion of the descendants of K T Mataira at Nuhaka. Tables showing descent from 5 waka. Also includes extensive whakapapa tables of the Mataira whānau, Hawkes Bay.

McConnell, B.
993.44 MCC

Te Araroa: an East Coast Community 1990.
Whakapapa tables forthe iwi of this settlement, biographies. Ngati Porou.

993.03 NGA

Apirana Turupa Ngata. 1996. In te reo; includes whakapapa tables; Ngati Porou of Hawkes Bay.

Ramsden, E
993.015 NGA

Sir Apirana Ngata and Māori culture. 1948.

Ruatapu, M.
398.2 RUA

Nga kōrero a Mohi Ruatapu: tohunga rongonui o Ngati Porou. 1993.
Bilingual. The writings of Mohi Ruatapu, a Tohunga of Tokomaru Bay. Includes whakapapa tables. East Coast.

Stirling, A.M.
993.015 STI

Amiria, the life of a Māori woman. 1976.
Amiria Manutahi Stirling is a member of the Ngati Hinekehu, a hāpu of Ngati Porou. This book tells the story of her life and of her arranged marriage (taumu) to Eruera Stirling of Te Whānau-a-Maru in the Bay of Plenty. Includes a Whakapapa table. Te Tai Rawhiti (East Coast).
