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Taranaki - Aotea Tokomaru
Aitken, L.
993.482 AIT |
Purangi 1891-1991.
For Ngati Maru, and descendants of the Tokomaru waka: sections include land occupiers, cemetery records, school rolls, 1901-1948. |
Church, I.
993.488 CHU |
Heartland of Aotea. 1992.
Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Rauru, Taranaki. Includes tables of the Native population of South Taranaki in 1843, South Taranaki census in 1858, census of Ngati Ruanui in 1849 and census of Ngati Ruanui in 1852. |
Condliffe, J.B.
993.016 BUC |
Te Rangi Hiroa: the life of Sir Peter Buck. 1972.
Born in 1880 on the banks of the Urenui river in Taranaki, Te Rangi Hiroa was a descendant of Ngati Mutunga, Ngati Tama and Ngati Maru who all link with the waka Tokomaru. Includes whakapapa tables. |
Gallen, R.G.
993.462 GAL |
A souvenir booklet of Waikaremoana, Wairau- moana, Waikare-iti: a concise history of the lakes, the people and the land. 1977.
Includes information on Ngati Ruanui whakapapa. |
Houston, J.
993.016 HOU |
Māori life in old Taranaki. 1965.
"Aotea is the canoe, Turi is the man, Anewa-o-te-rangi is the spear". Some of the Aotea people settled around the Coasts of Taranaki. Included are recorded myths and histories of the tribes and hāpu of the Taranaki coast. |
King, M.
993.012 COO |
Whina: a biography of Whina Cooper. 1983.
Includes whakapapa tables. Te Rarawa (Hokianga) and Taranaki descent. |
Scott, D.
993.488 WHI |
Ask that mountain: the story of Parihaka. 1975.
History of the march on the pā and iwi of Parihaka, a village which stands at the base of the sacred mountain Taranaki. |
Smith, P.
993.016 SMI |
History and traditions of the Māoris of the West Coast: North Island of New Zealand prior to 1840. 'History and traditions of the Taranaki coast' is the title on the spine (1910;1984).
Covers all the west coast from Kawhia to Wellington. Includes good whakapapa tables |
Wharemaru, H.
993.013 WHA |
Heeni: a Tainui elder remembers. 1997.
The last surviving close friend of the late Princess Te Puea tells her remarkable life story in her own words. Tainui and Taranaki descent. Contains the Hetet whakapapa (table). |