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WHANGANUI - Wanganui
Belich, James
993.022 BEL |
I shall not die: Titokowaru's war, New Zealand, 1868-9, 1989. |
Downes, T.W.
993.54 DOW |
Old Whanganui. (1915;1976)
The founding and naming of Whanganui by Māori tribes is traced in myths and detailed histories. Contains a whakapapa table showing some descendants of Tu-rere-ao and Tama-tuna. See page 163 for a list of Whanganui hāpu. |
Downes, T.W.
993.54 DOW |
Whanganui river stories: River ripplets. 1993.
Contains poetryand stories of the places and people who have connections to the Whanganui river. Includes histories of some of the Māori settlements along the river. |