
New Titles Large Print July 2013 (arrived in June 2013)


Lionel Asbo : state of England, Martin Amis.
Chocolate shoes and wedding blues, Trisha Ashley.
Vultures at twilight, Charles Atkins.
Triple shot : a Maggie Thorsen mystery, Sandra Balzo.
The glass painting, V.J. Banis.
The bones of Avignon, Jefferson Bass.
A dead man's secret, Simon Beaufort.
The man who wouldn't marry, Tina Beckett.
The Chinese parrot, Earl Derr Biggers.
The house without a key, Earl Derr Biggers.
The shadow of Iron Eyes, Rory Black.
The family at Farrshore, Kate Blackadder.
The small hours, Susie Boyt.
Coronation day, Kay Brellend.
I'll be seeing you, Benita Brown.
Sea Glass summer, Dorothy Cannell.
Bedroom diplomacy, Michelle Celmer.
The king next door, Maureen Child.
The Cambridge mysteries, Barbara Cleverly.
Seconds away : a Mickey Bolitar novel, Harlan Coben.
The life, Martina Cole.
What his money can't hide, Maggie Cox.
The wrong side of happiness, Tania Crosse.
Master and God, Lindsey Davis.
Burning ambition, Margaret Thomson Davis.
The Berlin spy trap, Geoffrey Davison.
The Luberon garden, Alex Dingwall-Main
The doctor's lost-and-found heart, Dianne Drake.
Trilby, George du Maurier.
A mourning wedding, Carola Dunn.
Late of this parish, Marjorie Eccles.
Night watch, Linda Fairstein.
The family Corleone, Ed Falco.
Colton showdown, Marie Ferrarella.
Eloise, Judy Finnigan.
Turn back time, Pamela Fudge.
Jackals' revenge, Iain Gale.
What will survive, Mark Gartside.
Born to scandal, Diane Gaston.
Love virtually, Daniel Glattauer ; translated from the German by Katharine Bielenberg and Jamie Bulloch.
The secret that changed everything, Lucy Gordon.
A ring to secure his heir, Lynne Graham.
Eighteen Couper Street, Millie Gray.
Some kind of peace, Camilla Grebe & Asa Traff ; translated from the Swedish by Paul Norlen.
Merely players : a DCI 'Percy' Peach mystery, J.M. Gregson.
Ran away : a Benjamin January novel, Barbara Hambly.
A mother's journey, June Hampson.
Country plot, Cynthia Harrod-Eagles.
Cut-price lawman, Tyler Hatch.
Deadly pursuit, Steve Hayes and Andrea Wilson.
Town in a wild moose chase, B.B. Haywood.
Cry for Kit, Veronica Heley.
Blind Canon : a western duo, Will Henry.
A stranger's touch, Anne Herries.
Beyond the misty shore, Vicki Hinze.
Ex-wives, Sandra Howard.
Gently go man, Alan Hunter.
Affairs of steak, Julie Hyzy.
The Jane Austen marriage manual, Kim Izzo.
Bachelor undone, Brenda Jackson.
An arranged marriage, Beth James.
Vacuum, Bill James.
Ghosts of Bluewater Creek, Terry James.
Tickled pink, Christina Jones.
The thoughts and happenings of Wilfred Price, purveyor of superior funerals, Wendy Jones.
Death's door, Jim Kelly.
Fell the angels, John Kerr.
His Valentine bride, Cindy Kirk.
Another home, another love, Gwen Kirkwood.
Identity crisis, Bill Kitson.
Her giant octopus moment, Kay Langdale.
Captain Talbot's reckoning, A. Dorman Leishman.
The guardian, Beverly Lewis.
Dead reckoning, Claire Lorrimer.
Still the one, Michelle Major.
The turning point, Phyllis Mallett.
The chessmen, Peter May.
Dying to know : a Lance Elliot mystery, Keith McCarthy.
Beyond valour, Lindsay McKenna.
The heart listens, Carolyn McSparren.
Anna's gift, Emma Miller.
Miss Peterson & the colonel, Fenella Miller.
Beyond the shore, Connie Monk.
Where the heart is, Sue Moorcroft.
Woman in a sheikh's world, Sarah Morgan.
Some like it wicked, Carole Mortimer.
McFeeley's rebellion, Theresa Murphy.
Murder takes the stage, Amy Myers.
Abdication, Juliet Nicolson.
Better together, Sheila O'Flanagan.
Seizure, Nick Oldham.
11th hour, James Patterson and Maxine Paetro.
Welsh Rose and her Latin lover, Anne Piper.
Standing in another man's grave, Ian Rankin.
Indulgence in death, J.D. Robb.
Brief ecstasy, Denise Robins.
Figs in frost, Denise Robins.
A whispering of spies, Rosemary Rowe.
A killing in China Basin, Kirk Russell.
School for scandal, Geraldine Ryan.
Amber Scott is starting over, Ruth Saberton.
The countess, Lynsay Sands.
The avenger : a Walt Slade western, Bradford Scott.
At Dante's service, Chantelle Shaw.
A place to belong, Lauraine Snelling.
Payback at Black Valley Forge, Emmett Stone.
Secondhand daylight : a James Ross mystery, D.J. Taylor.
Flight, Adam Thorpe.
The Droitwich deceivers, Kerry Tombs.
One perfect summer, Paige Toon.
A summer duet, Lindsay Townsend.
The soldier's wife, Joanna Trollope.
Enemy of the state, E.C. Tubb.
Catherine of Deepdale, Millie Vigor.
Murder on the thirty-first floor, Peter Wahloo.
IOU, Helen Warner.
The English lord's secret son, Margaret Way.
A death in Valencia, Jason Webster.
Warriors in winter, Michelle Willingham.
Travelin' money, Logan Winters.
Something special, Carol Wood.
The waves, Virginia Woolf.
Johnny Montana, Michael Zimmer.


Wings : one hundred years of British aerial warfare, Patrick Bishop.
Take me home, Tessa Cunningham.
Farther away, Jonathan Franzen.
Bageye at the wheel, Colin Grant.
All cheeses great and small : a life less blurry, Alex James.
Wake in fright, Tina Kaufman.
Deer, pigs and a little bit of bull!, Graeme Mackie.
The history of the world in bite-sized chunks, Emma Marriott.
Ramble on : the story of our love for walking Britain, Sinclair McKay.
Her father's daughter, Alice Pung.
Beautiful for ever : Madame Rachel of Bond Street : cosmetician, con-artist and blackmailer, Helen Rappaport.
My story, Bruno Tonioli with Matt Allen.
A nurse abroad : adventures in nursing from the Arctic to the Outback, Anne Watts.
It shouldn't happen to a midwife!, Jane Yeadon.