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From Kupe to Cook
Buck, Sir P.
305.8994 BUC |
The coming of the Māori. 1949.
This book looks at the history, traditions, customs, culture, social organisation and economic life of Māori and Polynesians. |
Evans, J.
993.011 EVA |
Nga waka o nehera: the first voyaging canoes. 1997. |
Orbell, M.
398.209931 ORB |
Hawaiki: a new approach to Māori tradition. 1985. |
Reed, A.W.
398.2 REE |
Treasury of Māori exploration. 1977.
"Legends relating to the first Polynesian explorers of New Zealand." |
Simmonds, D.R.
398.2 SIM |
The great New Zealand myth: a study of the discovery and origin traditions of the Māori. 1976.
Full section on waka genealogy. |
Wilson, J., ed.
993.01 FRO |
From the beginning: the archaeology of the Māori. 1987. |