Newsletter October 2007
The Working Party set-up to work in partnership with Council staff and elected members to develop the Draft Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan will meet for the first time this week.
This independent group of key community and industry representatives will play an important role in the pre-consultation phase of the development of the Plan. It will ensure the needs of the wider community forms the nucleus around which the Plan is developed.
The Working Party’s primary functions will be to identify priority areas for enhancing community access, developing a hierarchy of library facilities and identifying future opportunities which will form their recommendations to Council.
It will be chaired by Carole Evans, who is retiring from City Council politics next month. She will be an independent chair, bringing to the group a wealth of knowledge and expertise of Christchurch’s library network and services.
She will be joined by Cr Sue Wells, one of two councillors who will sit on the Working Party. A second councillor appointment will be made following this month’s local body elections; this position having been held by the late Cr Graham Condon. Completing the trio of elected member representation will be Shirley/Papanui Community Board Chair Yvonne Palmer.
From the community, the Working Party will be represented by:
- Peter Townsend, CEO of the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce, representing the business community
- Michael Gorman, Christchurch City Missioner, representing community groups
- Bruce Tulloch, a community advocate
- Dr Nicki Page, Manager of eLearning and Web Support Unit and also acting Director of Library and Learning Services at the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology, representing the education/IT sector
The Draft Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan will provide a city-wide framework to plan the future development of our libraries network to better meet Christchurch’s changing geographic and demographic needs.
Christchurch City has a proud history of investing in libraries; the city having a network of 19 facilities which provide a customer-driven, value-for-money and technologically advanced service for residents and ratepayers.
At this week’s meeting, the Working Party will be provided with an introduction to the project which will include looking at the terms of reference and role of the Working Party, outlining the history of the project and the work programme.
A second meeting will be held early November during which the Working Party will undertake a half-day tour of the Christchurch City Libraries network. This is designed to provide members with a comprehensive overview of the existing library network and range of services currently provided.
It is proposed a third Working Party meeting will be held before Christmas.
A series of community and key stakeholder workshops are also planned before Christmas to help inform the work and deliberations of the Working Party, which will be supported by Council staff.
Development of the Draft Libraries 2025 Facilities Plan follows the completion in 2006 of the Council’s last 10-year development plan. This Plan saw new library buildings at Papanui, Shirley, New Brighton and Fendalton, and new facilities/services at South Christchurch, Parklands and Upper Riccarton.
The new Plan will look to tailor any development, relocation and extension of services to better meet the changing community needs, address growth and create focal points for community learning and leisure activities. The Urban Development Strategy, Christchurch’s ageing population, cultural diversity in the community and advances in digital information and communication technology will guide the development of the Plan.
Once the draft Plan is completed in March/April 2008, it will be released for public consultation. Any projects recommended in the final Plan will be considered as part of the 2009 Long Term Council Community Plan process, along with all other priorities for the city.
Carolyn Robertson
Christchurch City Libraries Manager