Reading Crusade FAQ
- What are the key dates for the Reading Crusade 2011?
- Starting date: Monday 11 April 2011
- Closing date: 5pm Monday 23 May 2011
- Prizegiving: 1 June 2011
- How does the 2011 Reading Crusade work?
- Children download their reading log from the Christchurch City Libraries website, or get a paper copy from their teacher or local library.
- Children are asked to read their choice of six books — fiction or non-fiction — and complete their reading log
- Completion of a reading log is verified by a teacher, parent or librarian online. This puts children in the draw for prizes and an invitation to the prizegiving.
- All Christchurch participants will receive a certificate with the printed signatures of the 2011 Crusaders squad. Lucky prize winners will receive their prizes at a ceremony that includes members of the Crusaders on 1 June 2011.
- Can I get someone to come to my school to talk to the students?
- Yes. Staff from Christchurch City Libraries will be visiting Christchurch schools. You can either have a visit to your staff meeting, or during school assembly to promote the Crusade and explain the new processes. To book a time, email readingcrusade@ccc.govt.nz or call Clare Newton on 941-5148.
- Where can I find more information on the Reading Crusade?
- Go to our webpage or email readingcrusade@ccc.govt.nz if you have any questions.
- Do I need to enrol to be part of the Reading Crusade?
- No you do not need to register or enrol to be part of the Reading Crusade this year. You only need to pick up your reading log and enter online to be in the draw to WIN.
- Can individuals complete more than one reading log?
- You can complete as many reading logs as you would like. Every reading log entered online will give you an entry in to the prize draws. However, only your FIRST registration will receive a signed certificate.
- How does my school win a rugby jersey or Kobo E-Reader?
- When you enter your reading log online, there is a compulsory school name requirement. There is a drop down menu with all Christchurch schools (including a home school option) for you to choose and give your school a chance to win. If your school is not on this list please email readingcrusade@ccc.govt.nz
- How can I get an entry form?
- All Christchurch schools were sent a Reading Crusade pack in February which included a copy of the entry form so they can photocopy this for your class. You can also download a copy of the entry form or collect one from any of our libraries.
- What if I read more than six books?
- We suggest that you enter multiple times if you are able to read more than six books during the Reading Crusade. Remember to fill in a separate form for each entry.
- What if I can’t read six books?
- If you find that you are unable to read six books by yourself, you can ask a parent, caregiver or sibling to read a book with you. You can then record the details of those books on your entry form, as well as the ones that you have read by yourself.
- Do audio books count?
- Yes, you can record the details of any audio book on your entry form.
- Do books that I read TO my child count?
- Yes, you can record the details of any book that you have read with your child.
- Can preschoolers enter?
- No, the Reading Crusade is a reading promotion for primary and intermediate age children (Years 1 to 8). You need to be between five and 13 years old to participate.
- What do I do with my reading log when it is all filled in?
- A completed reading log is verified by a teacher, parent or librarian online. This puts you in the draw for prizes and an invitation to the prize giving. Keep your paper copy of your reading log as evidence of your reading.
- Can I read magazines instead?
- You can read any combination of fiction or non-fiction titles, magazines, graphic novels or audio books. You can also include any books that you read for homework or for projects that you are working on at school.
- Who are the sponsors of Reading Crusade 2011?
- Do I need to register each child in my class individually?
- Yes, the process is for individual children. It is a very different looking competition this year. The idea being that the children work through the process with the help of a parent, teacher or librarian. An easier way to do the process per child would be to set it for homework, or children take turns during computer class.
- Can I request a group of certificates rather than sending my class individually to pick up their certificates?
- Yes, when you go through the process with your class, do not print out the vouchers. When they are all registered/entered, send an email to readingcrusade@ccc.govt.nz with your school address, number of certificates needed and we will send them to you.
- When registering my class, can I enter the school address as contact?
- Yes, this is fine. Just be aware that this is the address and phone number that we will use when contacting children to let them know that they are winners.
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