Reading Crusade 2011

For Teachers


Homework Ideas

You can choose to use some or all of these ideas. You might like to edit, cut and paste this information onto Homework Sheets

Read a book of your choice and write a book review to post on Christchurch Kids Blog. How to write a book review for the blog

Do a rugby word find on these websites:

Find out all about The Crusaders on Look up this website and answer the following questions:

  • Read profiles about your three favourite players on this website and write three sentences in your own words outlining the high points of their careers to date and player statistics.
  • Name three men who shaped the Crusade and why?
  • What is one of the latest news articles on this website?
  • List three things you can find out about under fanzone.

Read your choice of six books — fiction or non-fiction titles — and complete your reading log for the Reading Crusade.

School Visits Reminder

We will be visiting schools before and during the Reading Crusade to explain the new process and encourage children to take part.

If you would like a library staff member to come along to your next staff meeting or school assembly please email: Please email this address if you have any questions.