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Reading Crusader: Daniel Carter

Daniel CarterPosition: First Five-Eighth

Favourite Book: Midfield Liaison: the Frank Bunce, Walter Little story, by Bob Howitt

Favourite Types of Books:

  • Sports Biographies
  • Other Sports Books
  • Gardening
  • Fitness

Newspaper: Sunday News

Magazines: Flex; Loaded

If Daniel’s books sound like your sort of books, try these:

Younger Fiction

Belcher, Angie
Mountain bike mania
Joel starts up his own bike-cleaning business to earn enough money for a bike of his own. Then he finds out about the big mountain-bike race…

Caraher, Meg
The cricketing kids
Two kids from two different countries, but maybe they can have cricket in common.

McCaughrean, Geraldine
Six storey house
Six flats, six separate lives - until Dexi gets the chicken pox.

Older Fiction

Ford, Vince
It’s a try!
Flat Hill School has won a draw to send someone to be ball boy for the upcoming All Blacks’ game against the Wallabies. A great experience for the boy involved, but why does this suddenly make him a celebrity?

Pike, Louise
Harriet Huxtable and the purpose of rats
Harriet needs a pet, any old pet, to complete her school project and win her heart’s desire - a new compost bin. Her tortoise has just died, and the only other available pet is a rat.

Riordan, James
Match of death
Vova is a fanatical soccer player, but when the Nazis invade his home city of Kiev he ends up playing the game of his life - for real.

Robertson, Alison
Knocked for six
Tony is trying out for the cricket team, but everything that can go wrong, does. His new cricket gear is stolen, he’s in trouble at school, and now his mother wants him to sing in public!

Starke, Ruth
Nips XI
Lan’s had enough of being called a Nip, and expected to dance on Multicultural Day. So he organises an exhibition cricket match instead to celebrate ”sameness” in Australia - only problem, his team of ethnic kids can’t play cricket.

Testa, Maria
Some kind of pride
Ruth (named after the great baseball player, Babe Ruth) has everything going for her. Eleven years old, and she’s the best baseball-playing kid in town - so good, in fact, that Sports Illustrated want to interview her. Then she overhears her father saying that her talent is wasted on a girl!


French, Jackie
Stamp, stomp, whomp (and other interesting ways to get rid of pests)
Have you ever wondered how to vampirise a dandelion? How to make snail soup? (Not for drinking!) Or how to catch fruit flies with homemade ginger beer? Start reading.

Mullan, Nuala
Performance in sport
Find out just what you can do with fitness and diet to improve the way you play your favourite sport.

Stewart, Alec
The young cricketer
How to bowl a leg spinner, stump a batsman, or take a catch. Also, how to know when you’re out for a duck.

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