New Outer Spaces work of art welcomes visitors to library
Thursday 12 July 2012

A special commission by Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu in association with Christchurch City Libraries has resulted in a significant new work of art for the Gallery’s Outer Spaces programme.
The work, by renowned New Zealand artist Richard Killeen, is on a large window at the Central Library Peterborough and features a richly-layered composition that hints at systems of knowledge and classification.
Gallery Director Jenny Harper says the Gallery is delighted to be working with such a highly-respected senior New Zealand artist on another major art project for Christchurch.
Richard Killeen’s work is an eye-catching addition to our Outer Spaces programme, which we’ve created to introduce moments of surprise, humour, colour and wonder to post-earthquake Christchurch while our own building is closed.
The opportunity to work in association with Christchurch City Libraries to enliven the frontage of the new Central Library Peterborough in such an integrated way is especially satisfying.
Libraries and Information Unit Manager Carolyn Robertson says, The chance to take in a viewing of this beautiful work of art is yet another reason to pop in and enjoy the library’s range of resources and services. We’re looking forward to welcoming new and existing customers to Central Library Peterborough.
Art Gallery curator Felicity Milburn said that the location for the work is very fitting.
Richard Killeen once described himself as a ‘miner’ of libraries, extracting a wealth of images and shapes to condense and manipulate via his distinctive ‘cut-out’ technique.
The layered forms in his intricate digital design recall, amongst many other things, the genealogical patterns used by early cultures to record and preserve family connections. Freed from their original context, the distinctive images Killeen has chosen produce a work laden with associated meanings and buoyant with possibility.
The work is 2.5 metres high, and 22 metres wide and can be seen from the street frontage of Central Library Peterborough from Tuesday 10 July.
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