Minute book, 1864-1869

Minute book : Image 19 of 54

Image of Minute book, 1864 to 1869 1864-1869

  • Title Minute book, 1864 to 1869
  • Creator Christchurch Young Men's Literary Association
  • Date 1864-1869
  • Image 19 of 54
  • Source Christchurch City Libraries Archive Collection
  • Collection Name Minute book, 1864-1869
  • Collection Description Minute book for the Association from 1864 to 1867. The final entry is dated July 5, 1869, and records the intention to transfer the Association's assets.
  • Parent Collection Christchurch Young Men's Literary Association
  • Collection Location Archive 30
  • File Reference CCL-C80911821-0089

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