Address of his Honor, the Superintendent on opening the Seventeenth Session of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, N.Z., 22nd October, 1861.
Summary Address by William Sefton Moorhouse, opening the first session of the third Provincial Council of Canterbury. The address provides an overview of the development of the Canterbury province, economic growth and general progress in the previous year.
- View images of Address of his Honor, the Superintendent on opening the Seventeenth Session of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, N.Z., 22nd October, 1861.
- View Address of his Honor, the Superintendent on opening the Seventeenth Session of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, N.Z., 22nd October, 1861 as PDF [1.9 MB]
- View catalogue record of Address of his Honor, the Superintendent on opening the Seventeenth Session of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, N.Z., 22nd October, 1861.
Collection location ANZC Research Collection
Publication information Christchurch [N.Z.] : Govt. Printer, [1861]
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