Canterbury Ordinances 1853 - 1875
Between 1853 and 1875 New Zealand was divided into provinces which each had their own Superintendent and Provincial Council. Below are the Ordinances of the Canterbury Provincial Council, presented as PDFs.
- Session 1: November 1853
- Session 2: February 1854
- Session 3: October 1854
- Session 4: April 1855
- Session 5: October 1855
- Session 6: January 1856
- Session 7: February 1856
- Session 8: April 1857
- Session 9: February 1858
- Session 10: October 1858
- Session 11: September 1859
- Session 12: March 1860
- Session 13: July 1860
- Session 14: November 1860
- Session 15: May 1861
- Session 16: 1861
- Session 17: October 1861
- Session 18: July 1862
- Session 19: October 1862
- Session 20: July 1863
- Session 21: April 1864
- Session 22: August 1864
- Session 23: May 1865
- Session 24: November 1865
- Session 25: March 1866
- Session 26: October 1866
- Session 27: June 1867
- Session 28: February 1868
- Session 29: July 1868
- Session 30: November 1868
- Session 31: May 1869
- Session 32: October 1869
- Session 33: March 1870
- Session 34: September 1870
- Session 35: July 1871
- Session 36: January 1872
- Session 37: April 1872
- Session 38: December 1872
- Session 39: 1873
- Session 40: November 1873
- Session 41: July 1874
- Session 42: April 1875
- Repeals and amendments

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