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Photograph collection
 Trams in Cathedral Square, Christchurch [1931] |
 Port Lyttelton, showing the first four ships and emigrants landing from the Cressy, December 28th 1850 [28 Dec. 1850] |
 Market Place, looking north-east [ca. 1864] |
 Cobb & Co's coach for Kaiapoi, outside Birdsey's, a restaurant-drinking house) in High Street, Christchurch [ca. 1863] |
 The old town halls, High Street, Christchurch [between 1864 and 1882] |
 A fire in Christchurch [1907] |
 Heathcote Road Board 1906-7 [1906?] |
 Clarendon Hotel, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch [1902] |
 Provincial Hotel, corner of Cashel and Barbadoes Streets, Christchurch [1902] |
 Criterion Hotel, Gloucester Street, Christchurch [1902] |
 Zetland Arms hotel, Cashel Street, Christchurch [1902] |
 Foresters' Hotel, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch [1902] |
 Prince of Wales Hotel, corner of Colombo and St. Asaph Streets, Christchurch [1902] |
 Kooringa, later Waitaitama, 88A Clyde Road, Fendalton [ca. 1900] |
 Daresbury Rookery, 67 Fendalton Road, Christchurch [ca. 1902] |
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