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Photograph collection
 The old Ferry Bridge, soon before removal from over the Heathcote River, Christchurch [1909] |
 A nurse leaving a sub-depot on her daily round of visits, during the 1918 influenza epidemic, Christchurch [1918] |
 Cheerful boy scouts acting as messengers to distribute food and medicine to patients at their houses during the influenza epidemic [1918] |
 The St. Luke's sub-station, Christchurch [1918] |
 The medicine depot in Cathedral Square where the Government standard influenza medicine was supplied [1918] |
 People using the inhalation chamber in the Government Buildings in Cathedral Square, Christchurch [1918] |
 The soup kitchen at the Sydenham Manual Training Centre : some workers under Miss Ponder. [1918] |
 A family picnic on a summer's day at Addington Show Grounds' motorist's camping ground, Christchurch [1929] |
 Parkinson's bullock team carting a tank to the Sign of the Packhorse, situated on Kaituna Saddle, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1914] |
 A woman with children stands outside the toll-gate to the Summit Road leading past the Sign of the Kiwi, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1919] |
 Travel in pre-railway days : Cobb and Co's coach on the road between Canterbury and Westland, at the old Glacier Hotel, Bealey, where horses were changed. [1926] |
 Opening of the Leeston Bowling Green, Leeston, Canterbury [1904] |
 Christchurch Municipal Electricity Department, Christchurch : dignitaries assembled in the dynamo room. [1903] |
 Addington Raceway stewards' stand, New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's August meeting [1915] |
 Exterior view of the Theatre Royal, Christchurch, prior to opening [1907] |
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