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Photograph collection
 Milking by machinery [ca. 1900] |
 Swans on the river Avon, Christchurch [ca. 1910] |
 Boys' High School, Worcester Street, Christchurch [ca. 1882] |
 Women's room, Sunnyside Asylum, Christchurch [ca. 1883] |
 New Zealand Shipping Company's Hurunui, the first ship to enter the new graving dock at Lyttelton, Jan. 1883 [1883] |
 Waiters & waitresses pose before the citizens' luncheon for the officers of the Imperial Troops visiting Christchurch [8 Feb. 1901] |
 Serenity & shadow : the verandah of the Sign of the Kiwi, Port Hills, Christchurch. [ca. 1925] |
 Sign of the Packhorse, Kaituna Saddle [ca. 1920] |
 Dyers Pass Road and the Sign of Kiwi [ca. 1927] |
 The Sign of the Bellbird, a tea-house, Kennedy's Bush on the Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1925] |
 Smoke emanates from the City Council's destructor in an aerial photo of the central city, Christchurch [ca. 1920] |
 Four men operating a ten-foot saw to cross cut a kauri log : Joe Gordon & Philip Hutchinson man the saw. [ca. 1923] |
 The photographic team of W. E. Sorrell (Wheeler & Son) by Lake Rotomahana after the eruption on the site of Te Ariki [June 1886] |
 A roadman's hut at Bealey (now Klondyke Corner), near Arthur's Pass [ca. 1880] |
 Lake Rotomahana & the foot of the Pink Terraces : to the right is the sulphur crater Whakatarata, in the background is Tarawera. [ca. 1885] |
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