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Photograph collection
 Dunstable House, Cashel Street, Christchurch [1895] |
 The Nurses' Home, Christchurch Hospital [1895] |
 Shoppers strolling by Waterloo House, corner of Cashel and Colombo Streets, Christchurch [1898] |
 Opening of the Christchurch Model Yacht Club's season, Victoria Lake, Hagley Park, Christchurch [1899 |
 Easter Monday in Cathedral Square, Christchurch : to the left is the Royal Exchange Building, to right the AMP Society building. [1907] |
 A portion of the Eastern side of Cathedral Square [1913] |
 Workmens' homes scattered along the Midland Railway [1907] |
 Beth El Synagogue, Christchurch [1906] |
 Opening of the Roman Catholic church at Oaro, Hundalee [1906] |
 A view from Sugarloaf across Governor's Bay to Manson's Peninsula, Lyttelton Harbour at the beginning of the Rathmore track [ca. 1920] |
 A car and excursionists in front of the Sign of the Kiwi, Dyers Pass, Summit Road, Christchurch [ca. 1922] |
 The Opawa coach waiting to depart in Cathedral Square : in background is Mortens Building (United Service Hotel) [1905] |
 New Zealand International Exhibition : southern half of the main avenue. [1906] |
 A rescuing party, Brunner mining disaster [1896] |
 Are we downhearted? : girls merrily on their way to Phillipstown School on the day Christchurch schools reopened after five months due to the removal of restrictions on the assembly of children after the end of the infantile paralysis epidemic. [1925] |
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