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Photograph collection
 The Ngai Tahu land claims : a South Island hui : Maori gathering at Tuahiwi, North Canterbury. [1925] |
 Mrs Merritt's boarding house at the corner of Hazeldean Road and Harper Street, Christchurch [188-?] |
 The banks of the River Avon between the present Bridge of Remembrance and Hereford Street [1899] |
 Nursing staff at Christchurch Hospital [189-?] |
 Sydney Lough Thompson (1877-1973) [1906] |
 Armagh Street, Christchurch, looking west from the corner of Durham Street [ca. 1860] |
 Canterbury Society of Arts exhibition [1906] |
 Early Akaroa, Banks Peninsula [1870] |
 A relic of old Christchurch [between 1866 and 1880] |
 Delegates who attended a representative Maori gathering at Arowhenua Pa, Temuka [1907] |
 R Ashby, Cobham Street, Spreydon, Christchurch, standing among the tobacco plants grown in his back yard [1928] |
 Traffic Officer Herbert MacIntosh prepares to mount his bicycle [1895] |
 Opening of the season at the Canterbury Rowing Club [1893] |
 Cathedral Square, Christchurch [190-?] |
 The old Chester Street fire brigade and some of the men who manned it [ca. 1883] |
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