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Photograph collection
 The composing room in a Christchurch printing office [1909] |
 First post office, Colombo Street, Christchurch [ca. 1851] |
 Cashel Street Christchurch, looking west toward the Bridge of Remembrance [1931] |
 Up-to-date facilities for loading and unloading railway freight under cover [1932] |
 The face of a kauri forest, showing sheep grazing on the clear-felled area in the foreground [1932] |
 Railways checked and through-booked luggage being transferred to an Inter-island ferry [1932] |
 Sketching on the banks of the Avon, Oxford Terrace, near the Edmonds Rotunda, Christchurch [1932] |
 Swanns Road bridge, looking south-east toward Retreat Road, Christchurch : "shewing dangerous projection of corner". [ca. 1928] |
 The Canterbury Standard Office, Hereford Street west, Christchurch [1900] |
 Ferry on the Buller River, near Westport, West Coast [1900] |
 Market Place (now Victoria Square) from the site of the District and High Courts looking north-east [ca. 1858] |
 A carpentry workshop at the Christchurch Technical College [1910] |
 Maori carnival at Lancaster Park [12 and 13 Nov. 1903] |
 Maori carnival at Lancaster Park, Christchurch [12 and 13 Nov. 1903] |
 The Jubilee celebrations in Christchurch : the Maori carnival. [1900] |
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