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Selwyn Photograph collection

Harvesting on the Canterbury uplands: a scene at Rockwood, Hororata. |

Shortly to be demolished: the immigration barracks, Southbridge. |

Progress of the work at the Lake Coleridge hydro-electric power station. |

Twin foals. Twin foals are uncommon. This picture shows the purebred draught mare Jessie McLachlan |

Snapshots at the Ellesmere ploughing match, held on the Willisden Estate, Southbridge, July 4th. |

The Lincoln Ploughing Match Association’s tenth annual competition at Springston. |

The political picnic at Ellesmere: some of those present. In the centre of the front row are the guests. |

Gone away. |

The wrong way to do it. |

The crane at work unloading material. |

The crane moving off the make way for the express. |

The Anglican church, Prebbleton, Canterbury which was utterly destroyed by fire on Wednesday night, March 21st. |

The well in the Exhibition grounds. |

The fiftieth anniversary of the state school at Tai Tapu, Canterbury, was celebrated on April 12th. |

A group of some of the first pupils of the Tai Tapu school who attended the jubilee celebrations. |
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