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Selwyn Photograph collection
 The floods on the West Coast Road: at Arthur’s Pass tunnel, Otira. |
 A distant view of Otahuna House, with Narcissi in the foreground. |
 A charming corner in the lower flat behind the house. |
 Beds of seedling Narcissi. |
 Progress on the Midland Railway (Christchurch to Greymouth), the formation on the Christchurch side, two miles past Cass. |
 Rubicon Valley, Mount Torlesse, North Canterbury. |
 Cass. The present terminus of the Midland Railway. |
 Hororata. From the tower of the new Anglican Church. |
 Dexter and Crozier, Ltd., clients and staff, Cadillac and Belsize Motor Car Picnic. |
 On the West Coast Road: bridge between Bealey and Arthur’s Pass. |
 On the Midland Railway: the Waimakariri River from Otarama, looking towards Woodstock. |
 On the Midland Railway, Canterbury: the site of an old camp at Broken River. |
 Reapers and binders at work. |
 Stacking (left hand photo), Threshing from stook (right hand photo) |
 Mr Bourn selling the Bangor sheep (11,000 head). |
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