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Image collection: Port Hills
This is a sample of photographs of the Port Hills. You can search the catalogue for more or browse the collections.
 Sign of the Kiwi, Dyers Pass, Christchurch, 1905 |
 Interior of a cave hut at Taylor's Mistake, Christchurch, used by young men on weekend summer trips [1910] |
 Christchurch under a thin veil of smog, taken from the Cashmere Hills, 1912 |
 Parkinson's bullock team carting a tank to the Sign of the Packhorse, situated on Kaituna Saddle, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1914] |

Sign of the Kiwi being built [1916] |
 A woman with children stands outside the toll-gate to the Summit Road leading past the Sign of the Kiwi, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1919] |
 Sign of the Bellbird [1920?]
 Tearooms downstairs at Sign of the Takahe [ca. 1920] |

Interior of the Sign of the Takahe [ca. 1920]
 Kennedy's Bush [ca. 1920] |
 Military (French?) officers visit the Sign of the Kiwi [ca. 1920] |
 Dyers Pass Road; the Lyttelton Harbour side [ca. 1920] |
 Toll gate and lantern, Sign of the Kiwi [ca. 1920] |

The Sign of the Bellbird, a tea-house, Kennedys Bush, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1925] |

Serenity and shadow - the verandah of the Sign of the Kiwi, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1925] |

Dyers Pass Road and the Sign of the Kiwi, Christchurch [ca. 1927] |

Sign of the Kiwi, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1930] |