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Image collection: West Coast
This is a sample of photographs of the West Coast. You can search the catalogue for more or browse the collections.

A roadman's hut at Bealey (near Klondyke Corner) near Arthurs Pass [ca. 1880] |

The bridge in the Bealey Gorge near Arthur's Pass on the West Coast road [ca. 1882] |

Rock formations at Castle Hill Station near Porters Pass on West Coast Road towards Arthurs Pass [1882] |

Pioneers on the Wallaby, West Coast road [1885] |

The Sloven's Creek viaduct, near Broken River on the Midland Railway through Arthur's Pass [ca. 1890] |

An uncompleted tunnel mouth near Staircase Gully, West Coast, 1901 |

A cutting in Staircase Gully, on the railway line between Canterbury and the West Coast, 1901 |

A settlement in Pattersons Stream, West Coast, 1901 |

A typical hut near Staircase Gully, West Coast, 1901 |

The aerial tramway across Staircase Gully, West Coast, 1901 |

Co-operative labourers at Pattersons Stream, West Coast, 1901 |

A gang of co-operative labourers at Pattersons Stream, West Coast, 1901 |

The electric light power house, Reefton, West Coast, 1904 |

Workmen's homes, Midland Railway Line, 1907 |