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Photograph collection
 A balloon ascent from Wainoni [1907] |
 Richard Bedward Owen in W.H. Downer's motorboat Imp [192-] |
 Interior of the Ozone Café [ca. 1920] |
 Aerial view showing the progress of the building at the RNZAF Flying Training School, Wigram aerodrome [1936] |
 A bridge that needs widening [1930] |
 Professor Bickerton's home and the promenade, from the Wainoni entrance [190-] |
 A risky position : making ready to place the cross on the summit of Christchurch Cathedral spire. [29 June 1903] |
 A Canterbury trooper, 3rd New Zealand Mounted Rifles (Rough Riders), preparing to depart for the Boer War (1899-1902) [1900] |
 A fatigue party on duty, Addington Camp, Christchurch [1900] |
 Cathedral Square during World War II (1939-1945) [ca. 1940] |
 Interior of main building, New Zealand International Exhibition, Hagley Park, Christchurch [1882] |
 Mount Hutt : an old up-country homestead. [189-] |
 Bryndwr Butchery, Normans Road, Bryndwr [ca. 1938] |
 Bryndwr Butchery, Normans Road, Bryndwr [ca. 1938] |
 The 1948 Austin 8 delivery van used by the Bryndwr Butchery, Normans Road, Bryndwr [ca. 1950] |
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