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Photograph collection
 Labourers outside the fellmongery, Belfast Freezing Works, Christchurch [1900] |
 The Wood Bros. flour mill at Addington, Christchurch [1900] |
 Interior of a cave hut at Taylor's Mistake, Christchurch, used by young men on weekend summer trips [1910] |
 The Council Chambers, Spreydon, Christchurch [1913] |
 The Ngai Tahu land claim : rival committees' differences. [1925] |
 The municipal offices in Manchester Street, Christchurch [1925] |
 Members of the Christchurch Drainage Board and visitors present at the opening of the septic tank, Bromley sewage farm [4 Sept. 1905] |
 Cleaning the Avon : the new river sweeper picks up mud, weeds, and other deposits at the Fendalton Bridge, Christchurch. [1927] |
 The Rhodes Convalescent Home from the front terrace [1896] |
 Horse and buggy crossing the bridge : looking up towards the Wairewa Valley from Little River, Banks Peninsula. [1925] |
 Kaiapoi Hotel [18 -- ] |
 Halswell Quarry [1903] |
 A general view of the quarantine station on Quail Island, Lyttelton Harbour [1911] |
 A view of former hospital buildings from the Antigua Boatsheds [ca. 1880] |
 A tram runs into difficulties, at the corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets, when Christchurch was hit by snow [1918?] |
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