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Photograph collection
 Carlton Bridge and Harper Avenue, Christchurch [1932] |
 Parkdale, 16 Heaton Street, Christchurch [1932] |
 Levelling the sandhills for the Christchurch Drainage Board's sewage farm, Bromley, Christchurch [1904] |
 Opening day at the Edgeware Bowling Club's green [22 Oct. 1910] |
 The only Moriori meeting-house in Maori style [189-?] |
 3YA Christchurch Station of the Radio Broadcasting Company of New Zealand [1927] |
 The area near the Heathcote Bridge at the foot of Mount Pleasant, Christchurch [ca, 1900] |
 The opening of the Bandsmens Memorial rotunda, Botanic Gardens, Christchurch [19 September 1926] |
 One of the cars which took part in the Canterbury Automobile Association's run to Leeston and back [1905] |
 A section of a long photograph of vehicles used by the St John Ambulance Brigade as ambulances during the 1918 influenza epidemic [1918] |
 An up-to-date dairyman's turn-out [1905] |
 The Kinnard-Haines agricultural motor at work near Christchurch [1904] |
 The opening of the enlarged YWCA hostel in Madras Street, Christchurch [1918] |
 The hospital bridge over the River Avon, Christchurch [1912] |
 A crowded New Brighton beach, New Zealand, on gala day [1927] |
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