Nielsen BookData New Zealand Booksellers’ Choice Award
Christchurch City Libraries lists literary prize winners and links to catalogue searches, but we may not hold copies of all titles mentioned.
The Nielsen BookData News Zealand’ Choice award is an established acknowledgement of the books that booksellers throughout the country have most enjoyed reading, selling and promoting. It is unique in that it acknowledges the key role booksellers play in supporting New Zealand writing and publishing. Booksellers are asked to vote for the book they have most enjoyed reading, selling and promoting.
The award carries a prize of $NZ2,500 for the winning author. All booksellers who vote will enter a prize draw for a subscription to a Nielsen BookData bibliographic service.
2013 finalists
- Big house, small house: new houses by New Zealand architects
- John Walsh & Patrick Reynolds
- Buller’s birds of New Zealand: the complete work of JG Keulemans
- Geoff Norman
- Moa: the life and death of New Zealand’s legendary bird
- Quinn Berentson
- Shelter from the storm: The story of New Zealand’s backcountry huts
- Shaun Barnett, Rob Brown and Geoff Spearpoin
The conductor Joint winner
- Sarah Quigley
- New Zealand’s native trees: a comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia Joint winner
- John Dawson and Rob Lucas
- Te Araroa: a walking guide to New Zealand’s long trail
- Geoff Chapple
- The broken book
- Fiona Farrell
- The Parihaka woman
- Witi Ihimaera
- The free range cook Winner
- Annabel Langbein
- Classic: the revival of classic boating in New Zealand
- Ivor Wilkins
- Hand me down world
- Lloyd Jones
- Rebel with a cause
- Ray Avery with Paul Little
Wonky Donkey Winner
- Craig Smith and Katz Cowley
- As the earth turns silver
- Alison Wong
- Dick Frizzell – the painter
- Dick Frizzell
- Encircled lands: Te Urewera 1820-1921
- Judith Binney
- Go fish
- Al Brown
- Rita Angus: an artist’s life Winner
- Jilly Trevelyan
- The 10pm question
- Kate de Goldi
- Ladies, a plate
- Alexa Johnston
- Nga Tama Toa: the price of citizenship
- Monty Soutar
The road to Castle Hill. A high country love story Winner
- Christine Fernyhough with Louise Callan
- A nest of singing birds: one hundred years of the New Zealand School Journal
- Gregory O’Brien
- Bill Hammond: jingle jangle morning
- Jennifer Hay
- Edwin and Matilda: an unlikely love story
- Laurence Fearnley
- Mau Moko, the world of Maori tattoo
- Ngahuia Te Awekotuku
- New New Zealand houses
- Patrick Reynolds and John Walsh
- New Zealand’s wilderness heritage
- Les Molloy and Craig Potton
- Ribbons of grace
- Maxine Alterio
- Soundtrack: 118 great New Zealand albums
- Grant Smithies
Tramping in New Zealand: 40 of New Zealand’s best trips Winner
- Shaun Barnett
- Eagle’s complete trees and shrubs of New Zealand
- Audrey Eagle
- Mister Pip
- Lloyd Jones
- Silk riders
- Gareth Morgan and Jo Morgan
- He will be OK: growing gorgeous boys into good men Winner
- Celia Lashlie
- The captive wife
- Fiona Kidman
- Let me sing you gentle songs
- Linda Olsson
- The nature of things: poems from the New Zealand landscape
- edited by James Brown, photographs by Craig Potton
Tu Winner
- Patricia Grace
- At home: a century of New Zealand design
- Douglas Lloyd-Jenkins
- Book book
- Fiona Farrell
- Heart of coal
- Jenny Pattrick
- The Penguin history of New Zealand
- Michael King
- The whale rider
- Witi Ihimaera
- Curious questions
- Max Cryer
- Wrestling with the Angel: a life of Janet Frame
- Michael King