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Kia oraWe’d like to update you on what is happening at the libraries:
Christchurch’s newest library is in town
A new library is also planned for Peterborough Street in the next two months. |
Get the latest …Open libraries |
More library newsPart of Papanui Library re-opened to the public in August, and the Mobile Library is now stopping outside Upper Riccarton Library on Sundays. To keep up to date with the latest information on library re-openings and other news visit our website alerts page, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. Free online resources — always available
Press Display gives you same-day access to more than 1900 newspapers Use OverDrive to download e-books and audiobooks. To access these online resources all you need is your library card number and PIN. If you don’t have a PIN, phone us or ask at your library. Like what you borrowed? Tell everyone!Your new style BiblioCommons catalogue contains easy-to-use tools for discovering and sharing. You can:
If you haven’t already tried it watch a short video introduction or try BiblioCommons now. Learning at your libraryOur Learning Centres work with Christchurch schools to deliver Connect and Horizons programmes. They offer a range of exciting community programmes including adult, preschool, after school, family and popular school holiday programmes.
Get NCEA help now!
Reconnect with Christchurch’s heritageAs we look forward to the rebuilding of Christchurch, it is time to reconnect with the heritage of our great city:
And have your say on the Central City PlanIf you haven’t given your ideas on the Central City Plan, there’s still time; consultation ends on 16 September. You can read and comment on the plan online, or pop into one of our libraries or other council facilities to read the draft and pick up a comment form. |
You have received this email because you are a member of Christchurch City Libraries and have elected to have your primary contact by email. This enables us to make sure your email address is up to date and occasionally remind you of some of the services we offer. More information about conditions of membership. Unsubscribing Remember if you have any questions about your membership — or just want to ask a question contact us by email at, by phone at 941 7923 or online. |