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Photograph collection
 Excavating the site of the Tramway Offices for the new Government Buildings, Christchurch, using horses and carts [1910?] |
 In the operating theatre, Timaru Hospital [1910?] |
 Some of the officers take part in a refresher course at Wigram Aerodrome, Christchurch, in front of an Avro 504K [1926?] |
 Scenes from the grand mannequin parade of autumn fashions, Farmers showrooms, Christchurch [1926?] |
 Potatoes on a farm near Lincoln, Canterbury, pitted for use later in the year [1926?] |
 A horse and cart compete against a Fordson tractor and trailer carting a crop of potatoes, Lincoln, Canterbury [1926?] |
 Students in a zoological class dissecting crayfish, Canterbury College [1926?] |
 Students in a laboratory class in wood technology, School of Forestry, Canterbury College [1926?] |
 Undergraduate students in gowns in the quadrangle on their way to lecture rooms, Canterbury College [1926?] |
 Undergraduate students in gowns in the quadrangle on their way to lecture rooms, Canterbury College [1926?] |
 A luncheon interval on Mt Sebastopol while on a ski trip at Mount Cook National Park [1926?] |
 A ski party on Mt Sepastopol near the Hermitage, Mount Cook National Park [1926?] |
 Mountaineering in the Mount Cook region : a rock climb on Mount Sebastopol. [1926?] |
 The Orbel Cup golf challenge between Christchurch and Timaru clubs held at Shirley, Christchurch [1926?] |
 The Waimakariri River in high flood the stop banks have broken and inundated the countryside, the Main North Road is under water. [1926] |
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