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Photograph collection
 Memorial Avenue, Christchurch [ca. 1958] |
 The Lyttelton Naval Artillery [1989] |
 Chicory kilns on Jones Road, Templeton [ca. 1892] |
 Trent's chicory kilns at Templeton [ca. 1870] |
 The house of Edwin Trent (1839-1883) on his chicory farm at Templeton [ca. 1875] |
 Weeders at work on Mr W. Roberts' chicory farm, Spreydon [1905] |
 A view of Cathedral Square, Christchurch [ca. 1950] |
 Baker's Bay, now Magazine Bay, in Lyttelton Harbour [1897] |
 The Lyttelton Defender [1897] |
 Christchurch railway station, Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch [1960] |
 Home of Dr Henry Horsford Prins (1835?-1896), 158 Manchester Street, Christchurch [ca. 1890] |
 The music and piano department on the ground floor of D.I.C. [ca. 1900] |
 The building of Alfred Tyree & Co., boot and shoe manufacturers, in Lichfield Street, Christchurch [ca. 1900] |
 Vincent's Eclipse Brewery [ca. 1900] |
 B. Hindle's Exchange and Mart at 81 Colombo and Tuam Street [189-?] |
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