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Photograph collection
 Gig crossing the Waiau River on the Cheviot-Kaikoura coach route, North Canterbury [1907?] |
 A horse and carriage on the Cheviot-Kaikoura coach road at the point at which the Conway River is crossed, North Canterbury [1907?] |
 Horses and carriage at the Waiau River Bed, after crossing the stream from Cheviot, North Canterbury [1907?] |
 Half-way house, Cheviot-Kaikoura road : a coach party stop for lunch and a change of horses. [1907?] |
 The Sign of the Kiwi and Marleys Hill from Rathmore Rock, Port Hills, Christchurch [ca. 1920] |
 The Sign of the Kiwi with Lyttelton Harbour in the background : Marleys Hill is to the right. [ca. 1920] |
 On the way to war : possibly Harry Ell's son who was later killed in action, World War I. [1910?] |
 Construction of the road at Morgan's Valley, Heathcote, Christchurch [June 1910] |
 International trotting match at New Brighton [13 Dec. 1913] |
 The Cotton family, a well known family of New Zealand jockeys [ca. 1904] |
 The McKenzie memorial, erected in the memory of Sir John McKenzie [1901] |
 Cheviot Show : Sir Joseph Ward officially opens the 1902 Cheviot Show. [1902] |
 Seddon memorial, Cheviot : A W Rutherford pays tribute to the late Premier. [1907] |
 Seddon memorial service, Cheviot : a general view of the proceedings. [1907] |
 Superintendent W H Mackinnon makes his last inspection of his men, as the Christchurch police force bid him farewell [1926] |
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