
The surge chamber (reservoir) on the sloping bank of the Rakaia, 480 feet above the riverbed, distant 107 chains from the Lake Shore.

The surge chamber (reservoir) on the sloping bank of the Rakaia, 480 feet above the riverbed, distant 107 chains from the Lake Shore.

Caption: The surge chamber (reservoir) on the sloping bank of the Rakaia, 480 feet above the riverbed, distant 107 chains from the Lake Shore. The chamber is viewed from inside the tunnel which brings water from the lake, practically making the chamber an extension of the lake. Two of the four pipe-line gates are seen. These two only are in use at present: the other two are for extensions which are already under consideration.
Description: Works nearing completion at the Lake Coleridge hydro-electric power station.

Source: The weekly press, 16 Sept. 1914, p. 31

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