You are here: Home > Heritage > Christchurch Chronology to 1989

- January 1-3
- Davis Cup final (Australasia v USA) held at Lancaster Park.
- January
- Independent tribunal reports against the Estuary canal and harbour scheme. This report virtually ended many years of heated discussion and lobbying over this issue, although the idea was not finally laid to rest until the decision was made to build the road tunnel.
- April 3
- Lyttelton dredge "Manchester" leaves port for new owners in Sydney. The ship and her crew disappeared without trace during the voyage.
- May 30
- First netball match in City.

The Montessori system at the Sunbeam Kindergarten at St Albans - 1915
October 31
- Opening of Queen’s Theatre, the city’s first purposebuilt picture theatre. The building is now the M. W. Arcade.
- December 28
- First New Zealand croquet championships held in City.
- (no date)
- First free kindergarten (the "Sunbeam Kindergarten") opens in St Albans.
