Proposed Changes
To Library Services
NO decisions have been made to close any libraries. One of the areas the City Council identified for possible cost savings in preparing its Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) was to rationalise services in line with planning for library facilities over the next 20 years. Redwood, Bishopdale, Spreydon and Mobile libraries were identified by the Council as examples only.
There will be no changes to the level of service or facilities offered by the library until after the Final LTCCP is adopted at the end of June, 2006. If the proposals in the Draft LTCCP are adopted in their current form, a plan will be implemented to work through any changes. This will take some months.
Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP)
At what status is the Draft LTCCP?
Council have adopted the draft LTCCP and it is being printed for distribution and public consultation from Tuesday, 28 March 2006.
Where can I get a copy of the draft LTCCP?
From Tuesday, 28 March 2006, the full Draft LTCCP and 24-page Public Discussion document will be available from the Civic Offices, 163-173 Tuam Street, the Council’s Service Centres and Libraries. It is also online at the Council’s website.
When do submissions close?
Submissions to the Draft LTCCP close on Wednesday, 5 May 2006.
I don’t want to wait till then. What can I do now?
If you want your comments to be heard, it is best to follow the public submission process. This is the formal process for making comment and one which all Councillors will be involved in, considering public input and discussing any changes to the draft plan.
How can I make a submission?
Submissions can be made using the submission form in the full LTCCP and Public Discussion documents and mailed to Freepost 178, Our Community Plan, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 237, Christchurch 8003, email a submission to, or use the electronic submission form on the Council’s website. All submissions will be published on the Council’s website from 10 May, 2006. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted.
What is the process after submissions have closed?
From May 5 to 25, Council officers will collate the submissions and prepare for the public hearings, to be held from Thursday, 25 May, 2006 to Wednesday, 7 June, 2006. During this time, Councillors will consider all input into the draft plan and discuss any changes that could be made. Throughout June, Councillors and staff will have further discussions to confirm the final LTCCP. This will be formally adopted by Council by 30 June, 2006.