Reading Crusade Launch
At the Launch for the Reading Crusade 2007 Crusaders Ben May, Kevin O’Neill and Wyatt Crockett, gave the following answers to questions submitted.
- How many hours do you train a week?
- (Kevin O’Neill) Training changes from week to week, but we probably spend on average 20 hours training. Not all of that is spent on the training field. We spend a lot of time discussing tactics or training in the gym. We spend time on the computers looking at how well we played at the weekend. What we did wrong and what we did well. Some of the guys are lucky enough to get massages so they recover well or they go to the pool. There are a lot of different aspects involved.
- How long have you played rugby for?
- (Ben May) I started playing at school. Not necessarily playing rugby, but playing touch and ball rush. I learnt a few skills playing that sort of thing. I started playing for a club in Golden Bay and basically went from there. Going to training sessions and playing games on a Saturday morning.
- How do you prepare for a rugby game?
- (Wyatt Crockett) Obviously we train all week and prepare for the game well in advance. We do a lot of analysis on the computer checking what the other team is up to and how they play a game and find weaknesses in their game. On a Saturday we meet in a hotel and have lunch together, head down to the ground and hopefully win the game.
What books did you read as a child?
- (Kevin O’Neill) As a child I would read a variety of different books. I read James and the Giant Peach, The BFG and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I enjoyed them as they are fun books to read.
- Do you have a favourite author?
- (Wyatt Crockett) I wouldn’t say that I have a favourite author as I like to read lots of books depending on the mood that I am in. The book that I am reading at the moment is the Da Vinci Code. I also like reading biographies on other sportsmen.
- What kind of hobbies do you have outside of rugby and the Crusaders?
- (Ben May) Obviously I like reading. We spend plenty of time in airports and in motel rooms. There is not much to do so I do quite a bit of reading. Similar to Wyatt, I like to read sports biographies. Also, I play touch which is good for ball skills and I do a bit of surfing and general outdoors stuff.
- Do you read a newspaper and if so, what is your favourite section?\
- (Kevin O’Neill) I read the newspaper every morning as it gets delivered to me. I generally like to read the discovery section as I like to know what is going on around the world. The section is different every day. One day it’s space, the next, the planet.
- What would you be if you weren’t a Crusader?
- (Wyatt Crockett) I was about halfway through my building apprenticeship when I started playing rugby professionally, so I would probably be doing something like that.
- What made you want to become a Crusader?
- (Ben May) Good question. I always enjoyed playing rugby and obviously when it turned professional it became a career choice. I put more effort into it to make a career out of something I enjoy doing. I was inspired by the Crusaders when I was growing up. I always watched them and went to their home games.
- Do you like being tackled?
- (Kevin O’Neill) It’s something that you get used to as it part of playing rugby. However, it’s a bit more fun tackling other people.
- Do you have to stay on a strict diet?
- (Wyatt Crockett) Yes. We have to stay away from fast foods like KFC and McDonalds. We have a dietician that works with us to make sure we stay fit and healthy.
- How long have you been a rugby player?
- (Kevin O’Neill) I have been playing since I was four. I played rugby all the way through school and I have been a Crusader for three years now. I am now 25 years old.
- Who do you most admire in Rugby?
- (Ben May) Todd Blackadder. I have a lot of respect for him. He is a great man and I have finally got the chance to work with him. I used to look up to him when I was a kid.
- Who is the hardest team you play?
- (Kevin O’Neill) We have just got back from a tour of South Africa. Probably one of the hardest teams to play is the Bulls as they are a big team and they are very passionate about their rugby. They always come out very fired up and ready to play and the crowd is very noisy. The crowd really gets behind them.
- What did you want to be when you were little?
- (Ben May) I always wanted to be a builder.
(Kevin O’Neill) I have always wanted to own a farm and work in the country. Hopefully it is something that I will do after rugby.
(Wyatt Crockett) I wanted to be a policeman.