
A list of games invented by Christchurch's David L. Smith


  • On The Ball (Rugby football simulation)
    Two players toss and pass, kick or run with the ball on a rugby pitch layout.


  • Tactix (Abstract strategy)
    Two players place, move and jump four pegs each on a 6 x 6 board. First to form 4 own pieces in a row wins.
  • Skudo (Board game)
    A cross between Snakes and Ladders and Ludo played on a Ludo board.


  • Mah Jong Cards (Card game version)


  • Chess Cards (Chess variant, later called Chex)
    Played without a board by drawing, placing and moving square cards depicting chess pieces without detaching them from each other. Otherwise according to the rules of chess.
  • Tablo (Card game)
    Melding cards of different values and colours. Each player has an own colour that locks in melds only they can add to.


  • Pinnacle (Word game)
    Pyramid-shaped tiles with letters on each slope are formed into words.


  • Trax (Abstract strategy)
    Two players battle to make a loop or a line that crosses opposite edges of the playing area. Four variants are played. The official game is Unlimited Tile Trax, a game that could theoretically go on forever.
    Another official variant is 8 x 8 Trax, where the playing area is limited to 64 tiles.
    Loop Trax is an unofficial variant where only closed loops win the game.
    Lucky Trax is a fun variant where the way each first tile is played is determined by chance.


  • Andantino (Abstract strategy)
    Circular tiles are placed on any flat surface. First to form five own tiles in a row wins.
  • Spangles (Abstract strategy)
    Triangular tiles are placed on any flat surface. First to form a four tile triangle or surround an opposing tile wins.
  • 11 Mini Ludo (in wood)
    Simplified version
  • Halma (in wood)
    Simplified version
  • Helter Skelter (in wood)
    Two players place and move pegs around an unusual board. First to capture all their opponent's pegs wins.
  • Zig Zag (in wood) Ditto
  • Tactix (in wood)
    1971 game reprised in wood
  • Leap Frog (in wood)
    Two players place, move and jump four pegs each in circular 9 hole board. First to capture all four opponent's pegs wins.


  • Anticipation (Abstract Strategy)
    Tiles with arrows are played on a board. Each new tile played must be played in the direction of the arrow on the previously played tile. First to form six own tiles in a row wins.


  • Try And Stop Me (Card Game)
    A pick-up and follow-suit style game in which all hands are face up in front of each player rather than concealed. First to play all cards wins.


  • Harmony (Abstract strategy)
    Hexagonal tiles must match colours on all touching edges. First to place five own tiles in a row wins.
  • Tablo (Abstract strategy)
    1978 game reprised in plastic.
  • Andantino (Abstract strategy)
    1982 game reprised in plastic
  • Spangles (Abstract strategy)
    1982 game reprised in plastic


  • Chex (Chess variant)
    1978 game reprised with modified rules.

Seeking publishers (2008)

  • Shake A Leg (Party game)
    Players trade cards depicting mixed colour body parts by rotating the equivalent parts of their bodies standing in a circle. First to collect a set of parts in any one colour wins.
  • Plotto (Abstract strategy)
    Two players place circular pieces in various colours on any flat surface. No piece may touch any same coloured piece. First to form four own coloured pieces in a row wins.
  • Survival (Abstract strategy)
    Two players place hexagonal pieces on a 3 x 4 x 5 x 4 x 3 board. Each placement after the first placement must be in a vacant space in line with their previously played piece. First player who can't go loses, a la musical chairs.


David Smith has also had some 30 songs published. One song, A Mother As Lovely As You was recorded by Jane Peerce and Donald Novis in the USA, and by Donald Peers in the UK, and several other artists. has some further information about the origins of the song.

Smith also penned the lyric for The Charlotte Jane, a dance written to celebrate the Canterbury Centennial in 1951.