
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 216

Burke Manuscript Page 216
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About this time or shortly before a vision appeared to the Town and it was christened the Mermaid. It had come by the well known old home trader of that name. It was habitted novelly to Provincial ideas. Its forehead had a fringe. Its back hair fell to its waist. It had a short skirt and it trod daintily with a small high heeled shoe. It was tall. The arrival caused a sensation. For months its every movement was talked of. Alas! A short year or two of colonial life ended the gay romance. The spoilt toy palled upon the senses. It passed unheeded except for some unpleasant remark. From its pedestal it gradually slid until the poor butterfly ended its gay career as an outcast. She was at the Ball, and to the horror of all the blue blood, the Duke selected her as his partner for the Dance. It was considered by all the respectability of the village, a sad exhibition of His Highness’ want of taste. Sad to say, he seemed to enjoy himself despite the surroundings.

Cashel St Waterlow pork butcher James Fuller shoemaker was one of the early band men Joseph Longden auctioneer, afterwards Preece, Ick, Clifford &c. Clements’ lolly shop. Mr Clements was, I think, a Nelson man in the early /60s opened a lolly shop here Joseph Fuchs cabinet maker Mr J. Longden was a very early arrival

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