
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 229

Burke Manuscript Page 229
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The only really successful thing in the “Bike” line was by the exhibitor of a “Unicycle”. It was about the time those mentioned below were introducing their inventions. He announced that a “Unicycle” would be on exhibition near the Shades, in Hereford St. The day came, and the man. I think the man was Joe Bennett, but the machine was a wheelbarrow. Joe was a regular [illegible, blotted] when fun was about. Poor Joe! He went under.

Major Prudhoe worked himself up from an immigrant by the Clontarf, or one of those ships, as a working bricklayer or mason to be Mayor.

Edward Taylor as mentioned here had a market garden on the Lincoln Road, and manufactured a tricycle. It was heavy and it was clumsy and poor Mr Taylor worked very hard getting it along by pulling a lever.

Dr Barker lived on the Section from Cathedral Square to opposite the Council Chambers. He also was gone on a tricycle, but it was not a success.

Mr C.W. Mountford also the architect, had one, but like the others was before the age.

“Scabby” Reed (H.W. Reed) was a very early arrival & had stables in Lyttelton, then came over to Chch & went into cattle on the Lincoln Road. He then started a stable on the corner opposite the Gov. buildings. From that about 1860, he used to stand opposite what is now the City with a four wheeler, soon after having a chum named Dunn. Those were the first cabs. Then came Tom Goodyer.

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