
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 232

Burke Manuscript Page 232
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Mrs Thompson had the Money Robinson house on Park Terrace built for a School, and, later on, that occupied by Dr Nedwill on the Terrace. Dr N. first occupied cottage by the Bond, on the Terrace, then the old house by St. Michael’s Church. He came about 1864-5. “Black Nedwill”. Opposite that Bond many years ago, a child, a little boy, gambolling, fell into the River, and went down, in some ten or twelve feet of water. Men were near, but none went in. One, after the child had been in some time, came along, asked what was the matter, “show him the place, quick”. Cut his boot laces open, dived, after a bit brought the little fellow up, apparently dead, and threw him on the river bank, took his boots and off he went. His name was Glen or Gane.

Just about the same spot, many years ago, a body floated, covered with river slime, disfigured by eel bites, and not an enticing sight. It was that of an able bodied, evidently hard working man. There was 90 in gold in the pockets. To this day, he has never been identified, or the money claimed.

Some 9 or 10 days before, a horse was heard galloping at a furious pace over the old Royal Bridge, then the sound died on the tussocks where Thomson &c live. About that time a horse, saddle on, was found at large Papanui way. Never claimed.

One of the amusing tales in connection with PHOTOS was the new manufactured Colonial lady, whose husband had indulged her with a magnificent imported dress – too awfully grand. She must be photoed in it at once. The dress was sent to the photographers. There she robed herself. It was a picture to kill them with envy. But what was her horror. In a week or two was exhibited in the photographer’s show, his own wife, with an exact replica of the dress. The wicked wife had, despite the protests of the hubby, hearing of what was going on, insisted on being herself photoed with the jumped up lady’s beautiful costume.

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