
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 234

Burke Manuscript Page 234
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Henry Joseph Hall, a North of Ireland man, now occupying the Motanau [sic] run, came to Chch about 1862, and started a grocery in a shop opposite the Rotherfield long occupied by John King. Mr Hall then removed to a shop near the Empire. There, enlarging his ideas, and seeing an opening he imported tons of brass “pennies” – ugly as you make them – and these he got into circulation all over the country, but carefully would not take them back, except say a few of them. Ike Raphael tried to get his name up on the cheap, and compel him but he could not. Hall then went with the assistance of Alfred Louisson through some financial experiments and experiences, but he came up smiling. Blossomed into a J.P., County Chairman, runholder and so on, He was a very shrewd person.

A. Berg, when young

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