
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 258

Burke Manuscript Page 258
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Then there was George Scott, with his woolly horse, he also could keep them going. Then for a change there was little Mac o’ that ilk – otherwise Mr McCardell, he would always contribute. Then there were greater guns such as the historical Dr Donald the father of Lyttelton (don’t laugh) and Mr Urquhart Macpherson – he was a great institution until the eclipse came. There was the genial Cookson of Cookson Bowler & Co, and big Robert Wraitt, and E.J. Hargreaves, and wasn’t there also Bumblefoot, as he was lovingly called, the original Alport. And wasn’t the old veteran Bradwell an institution by himself. Wouldn’t it do one good to be 25 years younger, to hear his humorous chaff again, or perhaps a recitation or it may be just to amuse you with a little playful trick with the cards. He could always contribute his mite towards passing away a half hour. Then there was old Ned Nurse, a great card in the horse line. Oh! And don’t let us forget for one loves him, all do, that embodiment of the veritable Tite Barnacle, pure bred, without a cross strain of blood, the veteran pensioner with the pleasant smile, Mr W.J.W. and how much more, Hamilton. He was a [continued next page]

The “Union Bank” in the fifties, put in a redstone building, past the Mitre.

Let it be understood, those were familiar days

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