
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 262

Burke Manuscript Page 262
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High Jinks in the olden time. Only landing a cargo of new chums. In the old days you know when breakwaters, wharves, docks, tunnels, railways and trams existed, and before immigrants were shoved through the ocean from the old country in 40 & 50 days. We read about the Grand Old Man, but those were the Grand Old Times. The Nourmahal, Gannanoque, Mystery, British Queen, Blue Jacket, Glenmark, and some others could a tale unfold. In the good old times, the Lyttelton police, then Port Cooper were charged with the pleasant duties of supervising the landing of our future population. Immaculate people as they were, they liked the duty. The care they took of the old fathers and mothers, and little infants was something to be charmed with, but by Jingo, didn’t they reserve a lot of attention and trouble for the assistance of well grown girls. They must have foreseen the virtue to a new country of the article.

As time went on, a parental Government saw the great necessity of a special Department for the business. Funds were in plenty and it was created. One forgets

Captn. Svenson

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