
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 287

Burke Manuscript Page 287
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dark and tricks that are vain”, conspired, robbed, defrauded and stolen from hundreds of people. Do you hear? Say some are only trifles? What do they tot up to? That is another of the Rotten eggs that will burst and make an effluvium. And are these not, and have there not, been done putable dodges, calculated falsities, declarations which were lies and frauds, in contracts, say for Government Departments?

Think my successful contracting Dodger, would it conduce to your reputation for respectability and honesty, were evidence to be produced, which can be produced, that articles, one will call them so, charged to the State as supplied, were never so supplied, but by an artifice well known to dishonest contractors and officials, no such things were delivered and the plunder carefully divided? Now, rush into print and deny it.

Now, great men, some of you know well to whom this refers. What is written remains. And some remain in this beautiful position that you do not know the day that like Captain Maxwell Heron of H.M.S. Clyde you may have to undergo the ordeal of an exposure, that will effectually do away with assured position, and show to a stupid and believing world another of the Rotten Eggs they have tolerated amongst them.

And talking of Capt.Heron, who has now been expelled the British Navy, for employing the public paid sailors to do his private work, and using the public material to make him household furniture, who used naval tradesmen to clothe his family with public cloth, are there none here, pampered officials against whom this could be effectively sheeted home?

Remember the Caldwell Dunedin sham, the Wellington Mad House, the Scotland Yard detectives, the Melbourne police – and how many more rotten Eggs.

Oh, yes. Inspection is a great institution and Audit is immense. But things will never alter for the better so long as a thief robbing the public, his clients or his creditors is tolerated as now. When perennial and smiling and Pecksniffian Bankrupts who wear broad cloth unpaid for, and sponge on others for the education of their children as swells, are allowed to remain in public office and public positions. Their infernal cheek is simply incredible. Our toleration of such Humbugs is inexplicable. But upon our Toleration, and their boundless cheek, they wax fat.

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