
Burke Manuscript

Burke Manuscript: Page 292

Burke Manuscript Page 292
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And hisself, he aint had not much learning,

And the rest they wos born in the gutter

And early they wos out a earning

A copper, to get bread and butter.

But you, with yer nag in the stable,

And allurs yer very own slavey

To put chiner and plate on the table –

Yer had a good time – s’help me Davy.

Yer wos! Yer wos fond of poor labour

When elections is on, and to use em –

Do yer like ‘em quite close for a neighbour?

Yet, yer rather too cute to abuse ‘em.

But yer might have put one on the benches

Say Earnshaw, or Kelly, or Tanner,

Instead you’ve a give ‘em cold drenches

In the ortiest cold blooded manner.

“Oh! Libutty! Wot crammers is told

In yer name” said some ancient old lady

Oh, Labor! I much fear you’ve bin sold,

And took in, just like a small baby.

For ten days one hundred and fifty

Ain’t bad for a trip to Port Nic.

Politics! ‘em makes people horful shifty –

And some’s done a werry neat trick.

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