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Photograph collection
 Battling the flames : tense firemen in action. [1947] |
 Rescuing Mr K. Ballantyne from the burning building on Colombo Street, Christchurch [1947] |
 A Salvation Army worker provides tea for firemen and volunteers battling the fire [1947] |
 Cyclist beside a penny-farthing bicycle near Shag Rock on the Sumner road, Christchurch [ca. 1896] |
 Rock formations at Castle Hill Station near Porters Pass on West Coast Road towards Arthurs Pass [1882] |
 The road through the Otira Gorge, Arthur's Pass, on the West Coast route [ca. 1882] |
 Small boat and dinghy beached near Cave Rock, Sumner, Christchurch [ca. 1865] |
 Looking down the Sumner Road to the east towards Sumner store and hotel from Clifton Spur [ca. 1865] |
 View of Avonside, Christchurch [ca. 1865] |
 View of Avonside and the Avon River, Christchurch [ca. 1865] |
 Ships anchored off Shag Rock and the Clifton Spur, past the Sumner Road, Christchurch [ca. 1865] |
 Houses along Avonside Drive and the Avon River, Christchurch [ca. 1865] |
 Holmes' wharf, Pigeon Bay, for timber being stacked for use in the Lyttelton Tunnel project [ca. 1865] |
 Canterbury College, looking towards Observatory and Physics building [ca. 1919] |
 Canterbury College, University of New Zealand : lecture theatres in Northern Quad, to right is Engineering School. [ca. 1919] |
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