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Photograph collection
 The Botany and Physics buildings and the Observatory of Canterbury College, University of New Zealand (now the Arts Centre) [ca. 1919] |
 Lyttelton and harbour [ca. 1888] |
 Avon River, Victoria Street Bridge with Provincial Chambers in the background [ca. 1888] |
 Avonside with Wards Malthouse and Brewery at the left, Christchurch [ca. 1863] |
 George Holmes' house from the north, Pigeon Bay [ca. 1865] |
 A.E. Preece Cyclists' Exchange [ca. 1885] |
 Three mile championship, Rangiora, held at the Recreation Reserve [ca. 1885] |
 Before Saturday afternoon run, Cathedral Square [ca. 1886] |
 Boys with cycles [ca. 1890] |
 Balloon ascent, Lancaster Park [between Dec. 1910 and Jan. 1911] |
 Start for the run to West Coast Road, Gorge bridge, Oxford, leaving from Warner's Hotel [May 1904] |
 Cornering in race at Brighton Racecourse [1910?] |
 Sumner beach, Clifton Spur and Roger's boarding-house [ca. 1888] |
 Cathedral Square from the Cathedral tower, looking east down Worcester Street [ca. 1888] |
 Cathedral, Cathedral Square [ca. 1888] |
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