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Photograph collection
 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency building, Timaru. [ca. 1882] |
 Colombo Street north : on left is Mrs Sharland's corset shop, on corner of Armagh Street is Golden Fleece Hotel. [ca. 1882] |
 The bridge in the Bealey Gorge near Arthur's Pass on the West Coast road [ca. 1882] |
 High Street, looking east down Cashel Street : Milner & Thompsons' music shop, Inglis Building, Union Steam Ship Co. [ca. 1882] |
 Looking south down Rolleston Avenue to the Port Hills [ca. 1890] |
 Cathedral Square, showing the Post Office and Godley statue, with delivery carts and pedestrians [ca. 1882] |
 The settlement and Akaroa road in Little River Valley past Lake Forsyth, the main entrance to Banks Peninsula [ca. 1881] |
 Balloon ascent, Lancaster Park [between Dec. 1910 and Jan. 1911] |
 Ten mile championship of New Zealand [Jan. 1896] |
 View from Pigeon Bay Road [ca. 1886] |
 Hilltop Hotel at Hilltop, Banks Peninsula [ca. 1886] |
 Pigeon Bay, Banks Peninsula, from Echo Hill [ca. 1886] |
 Barry's Bay, Banks Peninsula [ca. 1886] |
 Lady racing cyclist, Lancaster Park, Christchurch [ca. 1896] |
 Gloucester Street Bridge : Coventry rotary cycle, Humber tricycle. [1885] |
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