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Photograph collection
 At the Dardanelles during World War One, 1914-18 [1916] |
 Soldiers near a Red Cross medical tent on one of the beaches at the Dardanelles, Gallipoli [1916?] |
 A view of Beach V, one of the initial landing points for troops, Gallipoli Peninsula [1915] |
 Graves of officers of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps on the Gallipoli Peninsula [1915] |
 About 200 wreaths lay outside the front porch of the Christchurch Cathedral [25 Apr. 1923] |
 Returned soldiers pass through Cathedral Square, Christchurch [1917] |
 The Territorials cross the Bridge of Remembrance on the way to King Edward Barracks [25 Apr. 1926] |
 A garden party held to aid the Christchurch Hospital Lady Visitors' funds [17 Nov. 1910] |
 A new experimental electric battery rail-car commences on the Christchurch-Lyttelton line [1926] |
 In the Canterbury College Library : the Acting Librarian, Mr Hardie, is seen facing the camera. [1926?] |
 A demonstration of artificial respiration at the opening of the lifesaving season : team lined up behind the reel. [4 Dec. 1926] |
 3YA Christchurch Station of the Radio Broadcasting Company of New Zealand [1927] |
 A crowd of mourners listen to the combined Christchurch municipal bands play the Dead march at Hon R J Seddon's memorial service, Victoria Square [1906] |
 Earthquake damage to the Cathedral spire, in 1888 and 1901 [Nov. 1901] |
 A busker with a banjo entertaining in Cathedral Square, Christchurch [1927] |
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