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Photograph collection
 Looking down to the wharf from Oxford Street, Lyttelton [ca. 1915] |
 Riccarton Mill in a snowy July 1895 [1895] |
 Dam built for the Riccarton Mill, forming the Mona Vale mill pond [between 186- and 189-] |
 Colombo Street, Christchurch, looking north to south [1900] |
 The First Rakaia Girl Guide Company marches at Cathedral Square, Feb. 1932 [1932] |
 The Chatham Islands Jockey Club : Thomas Ritchie, President, seated in front, Tame Horomane Rehe (Tommy Solomon) at centre right. [1908] |
 The Ritchie family in their garden [ca. 1890] |
 The Christchurch Wizard and the Bible Lady, Renee Stanton, in Cathedral Square [1977] |
 New Brighton panorama [192-?] |
 New Brighton panorama [192-?] |
 New Brighton panorama [192-?] |
 New Brighton panorama [192-?] |
 Riccarton Road, Christchurch [ca. 1906] |
 William Sefton Moorhouse statue, Botanic Gardens, Christchurch [190-?] |
 Peacock Fountain, Botanic Gardens, Christchurch [191-?] |
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