
Pūawaitanga o te Ringa - Fruits of our busy hands

Project Completion

When the ceremony and sharing of kai were over, the members of the project team returned to Ngā Pounamu Māori Centre to have a quiet look at the culmination of their efforts. It was their first chance to see all the panels in situ. They were pleased at the strong Māori presence the panels created, but felt completely overwhelmed by the enormity of what had been achieved, at the tremendous amount of labour, aroha and goodwill the panels represented and the keen sense of community spirit which they engendered.

Project completed
Project completed – Rhonda, Haneta, Mae and Patricia.

As a team, we would like to thank all those members of the community who shared in this project; those who supported our endeavours, who generously gave their time, energy, their various skills and talents, words and money, to help bring this project to fruition. Without your efforts, Pūawaitanga o te Ringa would not exist. We hope that people who view the work in years to come will gain not only the sense of tradition the panels offer but also of the pleasure they gave to ordinary individuals who worked so hard together. It was a privilege for us to share in this experience.

NPW team.

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